Friday, December 19, 2008

Welcome, Jordyn-Grace

My hero, Michelle Duggar, has given birth to baby 18! Can you even imagine? That woman is a saint. My favorite quote from the news outlets is that "they hope to have more." My goodness. I must admit that I would love one more, but cannot imagine how anyone keeps a house of 18 children under control. She has the gift!


Anonymous said...

This family amazes me and I have to admit, I'm addicted to their TLC show ( and another TLC fave..Jon and Kate plus 8). The Dugar faily is amazing! They are well behaved and you never hear the parents yell, scream, threaten.......none of the things I often resort to and I only have 4!! LOL

Kevin said...

That's way too many children for two people to have. I'm sure they are an amazing family, but don't you think that they are far beyond a point to be giving all of their children the individual attention they deserve? How do they afford all of those kids? Their house has to be filled with chaos. How does anyone get any sort of privacy?

Michelle said...

Honestly? I am all for a big family. But there is something going on when a couple has 18 children and "hopes to have more." It's not normal, nor can any of those children receive the kid of attention they need from their parents.

I think it's insane, to be frank. But that's just me!