Sunday, March 15, 2009

Squirrels Need Homes, Too

Since it's the Ides of March, I am being extra careful, but have let my guard down a bit since today it was nearly 60 degrees. I banished the children from the house so I could have a few moments of peace. I was having one of those days in which I love my children, but hate being a mother. Those of you who are mothers will know exactly what I mean. Those of you who aren't will think I am a sociopath, but that is certainly not the case.

When I went outside to check on them (and to ride my bike around with them again in practice for a trip I have planned in my mind to go riding at the Plum Island reservation soon), they were huddled near the back of the yard building something. I went close to see, and they had found an old plastic collander, a horde of acorns, fresh moss and many twigs which they fashioned into a squirrel shelter with an adjoining pool for worms. Suddenly, I loved being a mom again! Note the use of the blue pipette to carefully water the moss to keep it fresh. I took several pictures (see above) and then made a bike obstacle course for us all to navigate. Good times.

And here is a picture of Stella, the durable and trusty bike I wrote about last weekend. She is propped next to my equally stylish minivan.


Anonymous said...

How dare you disrespect the memory of your college vehicle, may she rest in peace! You're going to have to come up with another name for the about Gladys?

SuperMomdel said...

Stella was the name of my Geo Metro AND the bike. I was not very original in those days...I think I had the bike before the car anyway.

Remember Guido the Chevette? Ahh, good times, my friend.

SuperMomdel said...

One more thing, Ms. Amy, if you'll recall, Gladys was the name of my teddy bear hamster that mysteriously disappeared in the bathroom of our Beverly Drive home when I was just about 10. I am sure she met a tragic demise. You are so insensitive to suggest that my bike be named as such, so every time I ride her I am reminded of finding an empty cage and a smear of blood....