Friday, November 21, 2008

Gearing up for Christmas

In a valiant effort to keep a perpetual smile on face despite the fact we are visiting my mother-in-law (who hates me and all my choices with a passion that cannot be denied) for Christmas this year, I am spending waaay too much time online making festive and foolish videos of my family. Here is my favorite one from JibJab, including a rare sighting of the erstwhile father of my children!


drflame said...

I love your piece in the paper this morning. You are outspoken and know who you are. I am not quite an anarchist but truly do love speaking my mind against the secular progressive movement. Just yesterday I had to stand tall and refuse to change the snack list in my Daisy troop to be wheat, egg, and nut free because of one girl. I am so tired of the needs of the one being more important than the many, for fear of litigation. I am an er doctor and was accused of being cold and uncaring all because I wanted to put on A Christmas Pageant play! Go figure, we all have to be open minded about everything non traditional. But if it you are a traditional thinker you are considered to be anti woman, a freak of nature. My daughter goes to RVCS and they all drank the cool aid over there. Two children left this week to home school, and I am considering the IC, where at least I know that I will not be viewed as a freak. Also I have doc martens in my closet, and you can borrow them if you want. Michelle

SuperMomdel said...

Thanks! I wanted my kids to go to RVCS, but the more I hear about it the more I am glad my oldest was wait-listed. I think I would be hated over there....

Thanks for the offer of the Doc Martens - I may take you up on them! Although I have very weird feet (see the Fat Feet entry). We "weirdos" need to stick together.

Beth said...

Courtney - you are so fun! Love the video. I have something for you over on my blog. Have fun, Beth