Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today I am Too Tired To...

...make my kids do anything. Yes, there are days like this, when everyone (including mom) is grouchy and on edge. So far, we've had fights over a cardboard tube, computer time, taking a bath, changing underwear and brushing teeth - my patience is gone and we've not even had lunch, let alone accomplished any of the super fun Thanksgiving lapbook activities I had planned!

Then, I remembered why we are homeschooling. It's so we can feel free to NOT do the activities if no one is in the groove. So we can have days where underwear doesn't matter (at least for the kids). After all, a day of computer games is not going to kill them, especially the ones they like, such as Peep and the Big, Wide World or Warrior Cats.

Anna rattled off her 7, 8 and 9 times tables and practiced her violin this morning. The boys laughed at some Mr. books - you remember, Mr. Messy, Mr. Bump, etc. I think that's plenty of book-learnin' for today, and probably more than their schooled counterparts did on a half day before a holiday - one of Anna's friends said all they were doing today was switching desks!

All the worrying over if they are learning enough has been getting me down these days, and sometimes I fear that I might be becoming an unschooler (don't tell anyone). So I am going to let things go today, and spend some time re-evaluating things.

In other news, I am trying to come up with an elaborate scheme to get out in the next few days (a scheme is needed, since I am generally not allowed to leave if it's for something fun) to see the "Twilight" movie. Any suggestions would be much appreciated, as would the offer to accompany me. Is it pathetic to see a vampire love story by myself? I almost don't care....

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