This is certainly not the most attractive picture of my beautiful daughter - and she has lost her 2 front teeth naturally, they are not black or rotten as they appear here.
She is consuming what is fast becoming a controlled substance around here. A peanut butter sandwich. Yes, I had the nerve to sneak contraband peanut butter to the beach this weekend and allow my children to eat it. In public. I kept looking around nervously for moms on high alert for the smell who would come over and yell at me (which has happened).
I realize that some children cannot have peanut products, but mine can. I need to vent about these moms who accost my children with wipes at the playground (this has also happened), who lecture me on how some kids can't eat it, why it is not fair to let their child see peanut butter if he/she cannot have it, etc.
Well, let me tell you that I had to cash in our change jar this week in order to feed my kids. It came out to about $30 for a week of groceries for three growing children and one adult (the despot is away). The most nutritious bang for my buck was a huge bag of apples, bananas, grapes at 99 cents a pound, some loaves of bread and peanut butter. So please don't judge. I am not trying to kill your child with peanut fumes; I am trying to keep my kids healthy on a shoestring budget.
Please look the other way when I open our pathetic lunch sack and out come the PB & J on honey wheat sandwiches. It's the best I can do.
Our little neighbour boy is allergic to almost everything. Epipen kind of allergic. They're a wonderful family and I'd love to invite them over, but I'm terrified that he'll touch a doorknob or lightswitch with PB on it...the guilt!
Peanut butter is so convenient to bring to the beach and park. I had no idea there were peanut butter police out there. Thanks for the warning.
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